Sunday, October 18, 2009

Creating and selling

Well, I talked to Nancy at Three Stones Gift and Consignment Shop in Crossville and she sold 2 pieces of jewelry for me, plus said that some guy was very interested in all the vintage record albums I put there. He figured he'd buy them for next to nothing and make a fortune...I don't think so.

I am making a few things to replace what she sold, and bringing her some more vintage oriental items since she has a customer who likes that stuff. I also sold a few items on Bonanzle and eBay so I've got a little cash for buying more jewelry supplies.

Speaking of creating, I went exploring on Google images because Doug told me there were zillions of pictures of anything you could ask for. I found this great holiday image that worked out perfectly for a holiday business/product card. It's true, but unfortunately when you leave the site and then try to go back and find that one you want, they've all changed and shifted so you may never find it again. Live and learn. Anyway, I've done my creative thing tonight and am putting price tags on, so that is done.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rain, rain go away

Did someone spirit me away to Seattle when I was sleeping? We've had so much rain that the frogs are swimming for their lives and the mushrooms are pushing the trees out of their way. It's been raining straight for almost 12 hours and I'm afraid our boat might just float away. Where is it all coming from?? Is it monsoon season and nobody told me? I'm going to have to get one umbrella for each day of the week.

I don't know, normally this wouldn't irritate me so much, and I've already mowed the lawn for the last time this season. BUT, I'm supposed to be getting a new chicken house delivered and they can't bring it if the ground is so soft and muddy. Also, recently mentioned boat is unusable and I can't go fishing in this rain. We fished a week ago for a nice load of sunfish and crappies, which became last night's fish fry (Yumm!)

Anyway, I will be going into town for some supplies to work on my upcoming holiday craft show display, like thick floral wire. Wait til you see what I do with it.
OK, rain gear on...check.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Pumpkin update

Due to a cold and rainy morning, I didn't set up for the festival, and it seems that no one else did either. After lunch, though, the sun came out and gave everyone a taste of what festival weather should be. Booths were being set up, though there was no crowd or festival traffic. This will begin Sat. morning, so I will be there early, setting up my wares, rag rugs, jewelry, ready for a day of greeting and selling.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My business is fun this weekend

Join me this weekend October 2 and 3 at the Allardt TN Great Pumpkin Festival. It's a huge local annual event with food and craft booths, beauty queen pageants, a parade, bluegrass and gospel entertainment and of course the big pumpkin weigh-in.

I'll be there on Hwy. 127 with lots of my colorful handcrocheted rag rugs and beautiful OOAK handcrafted jewelry. There's lots to do and see on this wonderful fall weekend.