Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy days and Thursdays

Yes, that darn four letter word. It got up into the mid 50's today and tonight we are having thunderstorms with thunder and lightning. It makes for a lovely sleeping night. I almost forgot to lock the chickens up amidst the storm and my indoor busy work. That would be a very bad thing.

I'm enjoying my new (old) desk, all full of office type things, computer stuff. It's so big compared to the old one it feels luxurious. I've been inventing posters to put up in the places I sell jewelry and crocheted items to encouraage Valentine sales since it's only about 3 weeks away. Also we paid a visit to our friend the local jeweler. He had a bunch of tools for me and boy am I excited! Finally, a ring mandrel to form different sized rings...I made my first one already and it's not bad for a first try.

Working hard on getting some Valentine pieces of jewelry done and out there. Boy is this fun!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Winter reflections

Here in eastern Tennessee, Bad Winter has retreated and Wet Winter is back. We had 2 weeks of bitter cold (here that means anything below 30 degrees). Truly it was very cold, and I'm a Wisconsin gal, granted my blood has thinned a bit since living in the south. Nevertheless, I am so glad that is past. Now we have rain day after day, although the temps are now milder. The last few days have been lovely with sun and temps in the 40's and low 50's (that's more like it!) Driving on the winding road to town, you can still see where water has dripped and run down the rocky roadsides and frozen like tiny Niagara Falls in January. It is mostly the northfacing sides, not in full sun, where it is still thick and hard, taking longer to melt. Still sparkling and pretty, with melting drizzly rivulets running down into the roadside ditches, it gives you a sort of fairyland view of the Tennessee countryside.